


Resusci Anne Simulator Paddle IV Arm Left

Resusci Anne Simulator config. with paddle chest skin. Left Arm for IV- canulation and right arm for NIBP.

SimMom Tetherless

SimMom is a tetherless birthing simulator, representing a full term pregnant adult woman. SimMom responds to clinical intervention, instructor control, and pre-programmed scenarios

SimMan 3G PLUS Light Manikin

SimMan 3G PLUS is a durable patient simulator created for high-quality simulation training in a multitude of different medical procedures and patient cases.

SimMan ALS LiveShock L Manikin and Accessories

SimMan ALS provides a mobile, durable and affordable solution that will meet the training needs of pre-hospital and in-hospital emergency


SimJunior represents a 6-year-old boy that simulates a wide range of conditions from a healthy, talking child to an unresponsive, critical patient with no vital signs. SimJunior allows learners to focus on a broad range of


SimBaby™ is a tetherless simulator designed to help healthcare providers effectively recognize and respond to critically ill pediatric patients. The SimBaby simulator represents a 9-month-old

Harvey The Cardiopulmonary Patient Simulator

For over 50 years, Harvey has been a proven simulation system to teach bedside cardiac assessment skills that transfer to real patients.

SimNewB Light tetherless

SimNewB Light is a newborn tetherless simulator co-created with the American Academy of Pediatrics, designed to help improve neonatal resuscitation and to meet the specific learning
PT Bandung Scientific Technical Indonesia
Jl. Cempaka Putih Raya No.65D, Jakarta Pusat
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