SimMom is a tetherless birthing simulator, representing a full term pregnant adult woman. SimMom responds to clinical intervention, instructor control, and pre-programmed scenarios
SimMan 3G PLUS is a durable patient simulator created for high-quality simulation training in a multitude of different medical procedures and patient cases.
SimJunior represents a 6-year-old boy that simulates a wide range of conditions from a healthy, talking child to an unresponsive, critical patient with no vital signs.
SimJunior allows learners to focus on a broad range of
SimBaby™ is a tetherless simulator designed to help healthcare providers effectively recognize and respond to critically ill pediatric patients. The SimBaby simulator represents a 9-month-old
SimNewB Light is a newborn tetherless simulator co-created with the American Academy of Pediatrics, designed to help improve neonatal resuscitation and to meet the specific learning